

Dear Friend of Laus Deo Ministries,
This is an invitation, inviting you to become an intercessor for Laus Deo Ministries. The aim of an intercessor is to pray at least once a day both for Laus Deo Ministry, those involved in it and for the prayer requests we receive. Please could you take a little time asking the Lord if He would like you to do this. It is a wonderful Ministry to be involved in.
If you would like to be involved please send an email to me at to confirm you acceptance and I will email you the latest intercessors prayer sheets. These are circulated bi-monthly although may be updated in between times.
If you have any questions or thoughts about this don’t hesitate to get in touch by email or phone (087-77-43-685).
I do hope that you will be able to join us as an Intercessor.
May the Lord bless you,


 An act of Consecration to Mary
Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of Mercy,
Since Jesus from the Cross Gave you to me,
I take you as my own .
And since Jesus gave me to you , take me as your own.
Make me docile like Jesus on the cross, obedient to the father, trusting in humility and love.
Mary, my Mother, in imitation of the Father, who gave his son to you, I too give my ALL to you;
to you I entrust all that I am, and all that I do.
Help me to surrender even more fully to the spirit,
 Lead me deeper into the Mystery of the cross , the cenacle and the fullness of Church.
As formed the heart of Jesus by the Spirit , form my heart to be the throne of Jesus in his glorious coming.