Mission Statement

Laus Deo is a charitable organization which seeks to assist in bringing about the recovery and, in time, full spiritual, physical and psychological healing of persons suffering. The ethos of Laus Deo is Christian in every character and seeks to follow in the spirit and general principles of pastoral care which would have been used by Jesus Christ himself when dealing with people in need.
Laus Deo is unique in that, while we have a fixed term during which we expect persons to attend, we do not enforce a rigid programme for persons to follow on the path to recovery. Believing passionately in the dignity of every human person, Laus Deo never ministers in a predetermined way. This, of course, is not to say that we do not have a clear goal and guidelines or that our direction is not Christ centred; however, we are open and flexible in dealing with all types of individuals and all types of situations which may arise. Being a Christ centred organization, we realize that Jesus himself did not have a “one size fits all” approach, but He did have an approach, a gentle way with people. It is the belief of Laus Deo that any Christian can, with God’s help, reach out effectively to people who have addictions and personal problems. Laus Deo believes that it is God alone who can change the human heart and mind, bring full healing to past hurts, forgiveness for past sins and the power to live as He intended.

Laus Deo seeks to apply the principles of pastoral care found in the Bible in a way that demonstrates the love and compassionate character of God. This approach is outlined in four steps stated hereunder:-

  1. Being clear about the precise role of the person offering pastoral support or care;
  2. Building as clear a picture as possible of a contact’s physical, mental, emotional, social, moral and spiritual condition;
  3. Prioritizing issues to be “worked through” prayerfully so as to bring release and healing over time;
  4. To evangelize and ultimately disciple a person in the Christian faith to help them “stay on track”
Once a person come to that want to be in God grace  the true needs of that person begin to become apparent. Dealing with the problem is not just about getting the person to stay off the drug they formally abused; Laus Deo believes you must also identify the cause of the problem which, if left unresolved and buried, will most likely result in relapse and a return to past methods of coping.

Laus Deo, with God’s help, seeks to befriend that person and to identify the areas which keep them in bondage to even addiction. These triggers and traumas, which risk causing relapse if left unresolved, are defused through biblical teaching, one to one ministry and discipleship.
The aims of Laus Deo are:
  • To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • To evangelize, help and offer fellowship to those suffering and recovering from addiction, to their families and to anyone else who feels they could benefit from our straight forward and practical approach
  • To train others in the Laus Deo model of ministry as part of their programme
  • To encourage a witness of abstinence from the social or recreational use of all drugs, including alcohol
  • To promote a society free from drug dependence

Brendan Shanahan
Brendan Shanahan
Laus Deo Ireland